Name: Nile Monitor
Lifespan: 10-20 years
Average price: $45
Class: Expert Diet:
-As babies: Crickets and roaches daily
-As adults: Rat every 3 days
Heating: None Lighting: Basking area and UVB
-As babies: 40 Gallon
-As adults: Small room or your enclosure should be twice as long as your lizard
Substrate: Newspaper or Bioactive
Mental stimulation: Large branch and places to hide
Water: Water area that they can swim in
Humidity: Soak to help stuck shed
Sexing: You can tell by the base of the tail, bulges are larger on males
Training: Can be trained in most ways
-Can't drop tail
-Are very impressive to have
-Vibrant coloration
-Aren't known to be the nicest (suggested you get a socialized one)
-Large lizard
-Can be dangerous
-Won't necessarily try to hurt you but those claws can cut you up
-Can tail whip
-Some people have a reaction to their saliva
-12-60 eggs in each clutch
-6-9 month incubation period
-Should be about 2 years before breeding
-Babies can be kept in a 44qt, although I don't suggest it