Name: Chinese Water Dragon
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Average price: $40
Class: Intermediate Diet: Dubia roaches and crickets Heating: None Lighting: Heat lamp and UVB
-As babies: 55 gallon
-As adults: 75 gallon
Substrate: Felt or Snake mat or Bioactive
Mental stimulation: Branches
Water: Water dish that they can swim in
Humidity: Soak to help stuck shed
Sexing: Males have pink on chin, females do not
Training: Can be bell, ball, and arm trained
-Brighter colors and more variety
-Are very smart
-Very active
-Have the same reactions to food as the Tyrannosaurus Rex
-Can't loose tail
-Can be found at PetSmart
-Are known to have health problems
-Need water source constantly cleaned as they poo in their water
-Should be 2 years before breeding
-1-2 clutches of 10-12 eggs each
-Eggs will hatch in 60-90 days
-Tub sizes for breeding:
-80qt for babies
-140qt for adults