Name: Axolotl
Lifespan: 15 years
Average price: $40
Class: Easy Diet: Bloodworms or earthworms every day Heating: Needs to be colder Lighting: Darkness
-As babies: 1 Gallon
-As adults: 10 Gallon
Substrate: None
Water: Live in water
Humidity: Live in water
Sexing: Males have bigger crotch area
Training: Will nibble at you fingers or roll over but that's about it
-Live in water
-Can eat earthworms
-Are just fine by themselves
-Can't handle
-Gills can get caught on things -Feeding worms can be gross
-Put stones in water for female to lay eggs on
-Remove eggs and put them in a warmer tank
-Up to 1,500 eggs can be deposited
-Eggs incubate in 14 day incubation