Name: Asian Water Monitor
Lifespan: 11-25 years
Average price: $300
Class: Expert Diet:
-As babies: Mouse (appropriately sized) and dubia roaches every 3 days
-As adults: Rat (appropriately sized) and large dubia roaches every 4 days Heating: None Lighting: Basking area and UVB
-As babies: 40 Gallon
-As adults: Small room
Substrate: Newspaper or Bioactive
Mental stimulation: Large branches and places to hide
Water: Water area that they can swim in
Humidity: Soak to help stuck shed
Sexing: Males tend to have broader heads, and bulges in the base of their tails where the hemipenes lie
Training: Can be trained in all ways
Suggested you get them from: NERD
-Act like puppies so they love you
-Nicer than most lizards
-Can't drop tail
-Are very impressive to have
-Act like puppies so they can cause some mischief
-Very large lizard
-Can be dangerous
-Won't necessarily try to hurt you but those claws can cut you up
-Can tail whip
-6-18 eggs in each clutch
-56-64 day incubation time
-Are able to breed when you can sex them
-Breeding room should be 8' x 8' x 8'
-Babies can be kept in a 44qt tub