Name: Green Anaconda
Lifespan: Up to 30 years
Average price: $600
Class: Hard-Dangerous Diet:
-As babies: Rat every 2 weeks
-As adults: Rabbit or for larger adults a pig every month Heating: None Lighting: Basking spot
-As babies: 40 Gallon
-Adult females: 8' x 3' x 2' -Adult males: 6' x 3' x 2'
Substrate: Bioactive
Mental stimulation: Water area for swimming and places to climb
Water: Water area for swimming
Humidity: Soak to help stuck shed
Sexing: Put thumbs on either size of cloaca and push slightly. One big thing = Female. Two little things = Male
Training: Unknown to me
-Very impressive to have
-Largest snake alive
-Super heavy
-For brumation reduce temperatures by 5 degrees (F)
-12-30 babies per litter
-Gestation is about 120 days
-Can breed around 3-6 years old
-Tub sizes for breeding
-For babies: 44qt
-For adult males: 180qt